The Biospheric Processes and the Environment Research Programme of the Planetary Development Institute focuses on environmental protection, restoring the biosphere and resource saving, and the Planetary Project objectives. They include:
- Resolving important current environmental problems;
- Reviewing, verifying and systematizing sustainable criteria and indicators;
- Developing and justifying interdisciplinary planetary research methodology;
- Creating a unified system of researching and planning planetary processes;
- Creating a general planetary theory through the synthesis of noospheric philosophy, biocentric ecology and the Concept of Sustainable Development;
- Developing a scientifically proven technology of harmonizing world development;
- Modelling and justifying optimum nature management processes;
- Developing resource substitution strategy and technology, search and implementation of alternative energy sources, carriers and technology;
- Preserving and revitalizing biota.
The Biospheric Systems and Processes Research Programme is expected to cover the following areas through its research projects:
- Geology
- Hydrology
- Meteorology
- Biology
- Ecology
- Zoology
- Medicine
- etc.