Globalizing the Planet


Globalizing the Planet

The ideas of globalization and the Planetary Project have a number of significant differences. The mutually beneficial cooperation of people from different countries, races, religions, and cultures does not mean that humanity is trying to build a unipolar world. Transition from the disunity of the interests of the elites to the unity of common needs does not have to do with globalization, but rather is the essence of universal integration for solving problems on a global scale. The world has long been global.

Civilization has entered a historical phase of intercontinental development. First in trade, then in the financial sphere, production, distribution and consumption. From the development of international governance structures and legal regulation to the world information web...

Karl Marx mentioned globalization as a characteristic of trade relations. The term received recognition from specialists in the 1970-1980s. It gained popularity at the turn of the new millennium thanks to the activists who fought against these inevitable processes for modern society. However, scientists have not yet developed a generally accepted approach to understanding globalization. Economists interpret it from the standpoint of combining financial, commodity and resource markets, mobile redistribution of productive forces. Historians interpret it as the most mature stage of capitalism, sociologists build new horizons and vertical connections in society, art historians “dissolve” peoples' identities in the pseudo-cultural surrogate of the West, and political scientists juxtapose the freedoms gained by the individual to the traditions of totalitarian regimes. Philosophers ... Philosophers derive a new type of thinking. Global.

It is generally accepted that globalization understood as the inseparability of world processes dramatically accelerated in the twentieth century. It is generally believed to have:

  • changed the structure of the world economy and increased the influence of transnational corporations;
  • brought unification to the economic, political and cultural spheres of life;
  • increased the interdependence of states, unions, organizations and public associations;
  • boosted scientific and technical progress;
  • contributed to the internationalization of media and communications and their accessibility.

The global world, according to many thinkers, differs from the previous constructions of the social existence of the individual by a stronger concentration of time and space. Today, thanks to the Internet, you can quickly solve complex tasks anywhere in the world without leaving your home. You can make the right decisions based on the analysis of huge amounts of information in the shortest possible time.

Today, people have started to realize the limits of their power. As a result of this dynamic, the the world is undergoing transformation. People have become less depended on the state. Thanks to the Internet, more and more people now feel that they are members of global community as users, agents or managers.

But in fairness, having passed the millennium, the global world has been marking time for a decade and a half. Economy is driving globalization but it is also gaving rise to most of the problems. It is not only hampering social development, but also threatening its future by:

  • increasing the risk of environmental disaster;
  • widening the gap in the standard of living between nations, including as a result of an increase in the population of the poorest countries and a decrease in the birth rate in developed countries
  • aggravating the classic "diseases" of capitalism and bringing about new contradictions deriving from the uneven development of industries and sectors of production;
  • making a reality the possibility of a third world war, causing international terrorism, regional separatism, religious intolerance and so on.

These global problems highlight the imperfection and disharmony of the modern world order. It is impossible to remove these contradictions and minimize the risks if only a few countries are involved – even those with the most powerful economies and human resources. But this does not mean that globalization itself has become an “erroneous” scenario for the development of mankind. It is the scale and relevance of the negative consequences of this period of evolution that highlights the need for a planetary union. Thanks to the achieved level of scientific knowledge, technology and economic practices, the experience of "trial and error" of global organizations, the foundation has been laid for the transition to a qualitatively higher, planetary level of human civilization. A harmonious and systemically managed world has become the only way for the survival of man as a species and the Earth as a planet.
